
This is limited to 10 people by invite only. Thank you!

Everything we’re doing is in LaPorte, IN.


Thursday January 30th:

6AM - 8AM Coffee and Breakfast in the Kitchenette area (or sleep in and we’ll see you at 8!)


8AM-9AM Lay of the Land in the Main Living Room with Ben - Welcome packets with full itinerary, and exploring the grounds so everyone knows where everything is and what’s available on and off-site.

Main Living Room

9AM-10AM Actionable Goal Setting - Main Living Room with Ben Konowitz - Ben leads a structured goal setting session to lay out specific goals for your company/yourself.

10AM-11AM Company Culture and Employee Retention Brainstorming with everyone. What are we doing to hire, train, and keep good people and maintain or improve our individual cultures at work.

11AM-2PM Lunch Breakout - Free time to grab food, explore the grounds, talk to each other about those goals, what 2025 looks like for you, get into specifics.

Pool & Hot Tub

2PM-3PM Making Real Changes - Main Living Room with Nate Loucks - Business Consultant Nate Loucks talks about getting granular and making real changes.

3PM-4PM Alone Time - Catch up with your family, a book, some work, whatever you need to do - There is a private office if you need.

Private Office

4PM-6PM Movie Motivation/Cocktail Hour - Movie Theater - We’ll watch a movie or documentary that sparks discussion

Movie Theater

6PM-? Dinner in the Main Living Room. Drinks and Breakouts to follow

Friday, January 31st

6AM - 8AM Coffee and Breakfast in the Kitchenette area (or sleep in and we’ll see you at 8!)

8AM-9AM Main Living Room - YOUR Systems & Processes 1/2 the group with Tina Hart/Why Questions Matter 1/2 the group with Mike Flores

9AM-10AM SWITCH - Tina’s Group is with Mike, Mike’s Group is with Tina

10AM-11AM Regroup/Recap of those breakout sessions, lessons from everyone on what changes they might try to implement or further explore.

11AM-12PM Ben’s Employees tell you what they need help with. (Yes, really) Sales, Office, Production Management from LaPorte Seamless Gutter will be there to tell you what are we working on that we aren’t great at. The goal here is to hear from those who are most impacted by our actions as owners and to learn from it.

12PM-1PM Free time to grab food, explore the grounds, talk to each other about those goals, get into specifics.

2PM-3PM Service Tech/Service Program Highlights in the Main Living Room - roundtable discussion regarding what works and what doesn’t

3PM-4PM Alone time if you need it, Break out sessions with each other if you don’t

4PM-6PM Cocktail hour and Incentive-Based Pay vs. Hourly Pay with Cory Jay/Ben (and everyone else most likely) - let’s get into what works and what doesn’t when it comes to paying our people.

6PM-? Dinner in the Main Living Room. Breakouts to follow

Saturday, February 1st

6AM - 8AM Coffee and Breakfast in the Kitchenette area (or sleep in and we’ll see you at 8!)

8AM-10AM Main Living Room - Online and Offline Marketing Keys with everyone - roundtable discussion about what has worked and not worked for you previously

10AM-11AM Main Living Room % of sales discussion - roundtable discussion for where you are with your numbers as a % of your gross and where you think you should be.

11AM-12PM Automate, Delegate, or Delete - roundtable discussion for what you are doing in your business to Automate, Delegate, or Delete things in your life to make running your business easier.

12PM-1PM Free time to grab food, explore the grounds, talk to each other about those goals, get into specifics.

1PM-2PM What haven’t we talked about? Let’s talk about it.

2PM-5PM Alone time if you need it, Break out sessions with each other if you don’t

5PM-11PM Event - Inappropriate Trivia at the LaPorte Civic Auditorium. Ben and his charity board put this on every year (sold out 9 years in a row). You’ll be at a table to play trivia with 550 other weirdos all for a good cause. You’ll get to see first hand how putting on events or engaging with the community can benefit your business.

Sunday, February 2nd 8AM-10AM Breakfast and check out